WELCOME! You have done the right thing by coming here. Some of the advice given here may seem irrelevant, but I promise, none of them are. So consider them seriously (especially if you are a FRESHER). You would not regret that you did. Click on the link below this page to migrate to the main page containing some information sub-pages of academic wisdom undiluted. Some of the information you would get are listed below. Enjoy!

·       Fresher basics

·       What determines my grades in any course?

·       How many courses will I offer in a semester?

·       How are my grades calculated?

·       What is G.P.A and C.G.P.A?

·       How can I calculate my G.P.A and C.G.P.A?

·       What is the most important semester?

·       What do I need to pass any course?

·       Which is more important, reading or writing?

·       How to write philosophy papers and score high grades.

·       What is referencing and how important is it?

·       How to search for information on the internet.

·       A special advice for diploma students.

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